Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Were the Mumbai Terrorists Fueled by Coke?

Did the jihadists who tore up Mumbai last week rely on party drugs usually associated with Western decadence to stay awake and alert throughout their three-day killing spree? Britain's Telegraph newspaper suggests that they did, citing unidentified officials claiming physical evidence shows the assailants used cocaine and other stimulants to sustain their violent frenzy. And if the notion of self-anointed holy warriors on a coke binge sounds incongruous, the report also maintains that the killers imbibed the psychedelic drug LSD while fighting advancing security forces.

"We found injections containing traces of cocaine and LSD left behind by the terrorists, and later found drugs in their blood," the Telegraph was told by one official, whose nationality and relation to the investigation were not specified. "This explains why they managed to battle the commandos for over 50 hours with no food or sleep." (See the terrorism in Mumbai.) ...

"We've never seen instances of operatives using drugs in attacks before, but we've also never seen the kind of open-ended, insurgent-style strike of civilian targets by Islamists prior to Mumbai," says Jean-Louis BruguiÈre, who retired this year as France's chief counterterrorism investigator to take a top post in the transatlantic Terrorist Finance Tracking Program. BruguiÈre had no information to confirm or deny the reported cocaine binge by the Mumbai assailants, but he believes that discounting it out of hand would be naive....

The Telegraph story also quotes an official saying traces of steroids had been found in the bloodstreams of Mumbai attackers - something the unnamed source says "isn't uncommon in terrorists." If so, it's a well-kept secret that runs counter to jihadists' disdain of external "impurities" being used to attain physical fitness they often extol. But for BruguiÈre, wrangling over those kinds of details is simply a counterproductive attempt to create a precise, predictable stereotype of a terrorist in what is, in fact, a diverse, rapidly changing, amorphous milieu of extremists. (Read "Mumbai's Terror Is Over, but Panic Persists.")

in all honesty, fuck all these radical muslim assholes. i mean, fuck religion in general but damn, you think bombing abortion clinics is bad...there's reports of every hostage being tortured beyond recognition..i know, as every chomsky loyalist knows, that the u.s. is constantly involved in shady, shitty shit. but i still think that the world is faaarr better off with the u.s. as the superpower vs. a bunch of coked out muslim extremists (joking). it's a meager comparison given the context (we have all the power, they don't) but it's just how i feel. bush's wannabe born-again outlook tainted the world view of a secular america. i hope with obama the u.s. can start with a clean slate and put hypocrites like bin Laden out of a job...

1 comment:

JambonFromage!!! said...

talk about a bad acid trip...