Wednesday, August 12, 2009

thanks jerk. now leave us alone.

Nearly all of your posts and topics I see on this site are character assinations -- NOTHING productive (i.e., logical arguments) just pure, unadulterated identity politics. People like you represent politics of the worst kind.

What's so funny -- that Obama has suggested a national security force; that members of his cabinet believe gender is an arbitrary, social construct (so therefore "manhood" and "womanhood" don't exist); that utopianism is built into the intellectual roots of Socialism? Tell me the joke.

I'd argue, but I don't sense a drop of sincerity in anything you write; so therefore it's useless.



Anonymous said...

Another predictable move by a predictable phoney: put my post up in an attempt to appeal to your "audience". Notice again, though, how you never argue points (like a punk, you'd rather character assasinate instead). Nice way to disguise you're ignorance.

Cheers to mediocrity.


WrongEmBoyo said...
