let's see some highlights from the dinner:
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said President Barack Obama’s plan to fix the economy through stimulus spending and government intervention to boost companies like General Motors Corp. has "already failed."
"Bureaucrats managing companies does not work, politicians dominating the economy does not work," Gingrich told about 2,000 Republicans who attended the event at the Washington Convention Center last night.
In introducing Gingrich, Representative Paul Ryan of Wisconsin called him the “architect of the last reform movement” and “the man of ideas.”
"Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said Obama has a "radical agenda." Republicans have "watched them take over banks, insurance companies, auto companies," he said, “and now they want to take over your health care.”
"We’re going to need some wins next November to slow down their agenda," said McConnell. House Minority Leader John Boehner of Ohio said Democrats are using their control of Congress "to bury our children and the middle class under a mountain of debt."
luckily the guy who played a 1970s male prostitute and derek zoolander's dad chimed in with some real right-wing truthiness:
Actor Jon Voight, the master of ceremonies, opened the evening with a series of sharp attacks on Obama, something many Republican leaders have been hesitant to do in light of the president’s high approval ratings.
"We are becoming a weak nation," said Voight, calling Obama a "false prophet." Republicans need to find their way back to power to free the nation from "this Obama oppression," he said.
Both McConnell and Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah, who followed Voight, seemed pleasantly surprised.
"I’m still just reveling that someone from Hollywood made a speech like that. I hope you’re going to be able to find work after this," said McConnell. "I really enjoyed that."
and finally, the punchline:
The dinner, which included 150 members of Congress, raised $14.5 million for the Republican House and Senate campaign committees."
Seems like another attempt to divert attention away from the the Democrats -- who are in control of EVERYTHING -- to play petty politics with Republicans. Seriously, what's the point? Have you been watching the news? This Obama presidency is one of the biggest con-jobs this country has EVER seen.
I agree with you about Newt, though: being married three times does not make anyone the poster-boy for conservative values. Period.
you're forgetting that republicans ran the damn country for the last 8 years...i'm not playing politics i just think that republicans are laughable silly joke.
Can we at least come together and all agree that Voight killed it in Midnight Cowboy?
Chuggins, you're right -- the Republicans made some TERRIBLE mistakes during the past 8 years (which, as we know, cost them the election). But let's not forget that in 6 months, Obama has doubled Bush's deficit spending; so roughly 6% into an 8 year term -- or 12% in a 4 year -- he's increased the deficit by 66%!!! If this trend continues, we're done (yet, I have a sneaking suspicion that those in power prefer it that way).
Like I said, I disaprove of what Bush did -- this isn't a trash Democrats for Republicans -- but I've never seen our country conned like this.
the government needs to spend money right now fool.
And I'm not sure if Obama is a "con job," there doesn't seem to be much going on behind closed doors that we don't know about.
AsAbove, I agree that the government has to spend some money -- I won't take it to the extreme that, say, a on Paul does -- but the spending we're seeing now is off the charts. How can you rationally explain a 66% hike in the deficit, 12% of the way into Obama's term?
With Obama, the conning comes down to his postmodernism (unfortunately, the average American knows nothing about it; or is unable to detect it). Most serious academics will tell you that postmodern theory was just a fad amongst desperate minds, and that it amounted to nothing more than a blip in Western history. The idea that EVERYONE can be the winners -- which is fundamentally the theme of Obama's foreign policy: there is nothing objectively True, so no perspective is really better than another (which is bullshit) -- is just the sign of a bankrupt philosophy that is past its little heyday from the 80's.
It's been all over conservative radio, but the Newsweek editor calling Obama "like god" is just not how a citizen is supposed to see its leader (in a DEMOCRATIC society). People are easily desperate now and more susceptible to conning; but it won't last for too long.
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