Friday, December 17, 2010

Beware the Firely Satan Breath of the Green Dragon

This is just beyond belief. Apparently God hates people that want to save his supposed greatest creation. This is one of those things that make you sit back, take a deep breath, and do everything you can not to load up your car with explosives, drive it to your local parish and blow the shit-spewing idiots to hell.

I've got a new "green" technology... we take all these backwards, brainless Christians and burn them for energy. Its cheap (everybody's fucking anyways...right? Contraceptives, abortion and basically sex are all sins so there's plenty of illegitamate christians that are gonna burn in hell anyways right?), renewable (they're known for spitting out way to many babies), and we get the added energy reductions associated with reducing the population; particularly the segment of the population with the highest affinity for suburbia, SUV's, and being overweight.

Read the Huffington Post article here:

1 comment:

hacksaw jim chuggins said...

"environmental science simply does not have a good track record, not at all. their false assertions are based more on their morbid, pessimistic fears not on any good science."

wow. the irony is everywhere..