Friday, October 16, 2009

drunkest drunk to ever drink a drank.

he's clearly drunk but i'm guessing there was a pill or two involved...

and on another note:

the reverse colbert "geoffrey" is trying to pull is beyond stale. you act as if we are all blind, loyal democrats marching to whatever obama tells us. fukk obama and fukk the government for all i care. the president is the head of the p.r. department in the u.s. government and obama was clearly a better representation of the u.s. than friggen old man mccain. that's why i voted for him. not because i thought his mantra of "change" was a reality.

you could have a rational discussion with anyone on this blog but you instead choose to spit out conservative cliches masked as liberal ideals. go write a letter to the "liberal elitists" over at the ny times or anonymously complain on the daily kos message boards. or better yet, instead of morphing into yet another fake persona in the chat box, reveal your actual identity and engage in a real argument.

p.s. i've said it before but i'm done wasting keystrokes on frightened phonies...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wait a minute, hold on a second mr. hacksaw jim chuggins. did you just say "liberal 'elites'"? part of the reason i joined The Movement was because i disdain any stratification of HUMANkind... you mean this small group of "elites" sets the tone for the entire movement, including that which is exemplified on this here web page? that's just ridiculous. you're making that up. stop. i thought we were all living by and making our own rules, being the mavericks mccain and palin wished they could be (not acting out the will of a small elite)? i'm starting to question your loyalty.... perhaps it's time to report this page.

-- Geoffrey C. Baskins IV