Friday, March 18, 2011

S.F. Next?

Read this today in Newsweek and it made a lot of sense...

"Even more worrisome than geography and topography, though, is geological history. For this event cannot be viewed in isolation (Japanese earthquake) . There was a horrifically destructive pacific earthquake in New Zealand on Feb. 22, an even more violent magnitude-8.8 event in Chile almost exactly a year before. All three phenomena involved more or less the same family of circum-Pacific fault lines and plate boundaries-and though there is still no hard scientific evidence to explain why, there is little doubt now that earthquakes do tend to occur in clusters: a significant event on on side of a major tectonic plate is often-not invariably, but often enough to be noticeable- followed some weeks or months later by another on the plate's far side. It is as though the earth becomes like a great brass bell, which when struck by an enormous hammer blow on one side sets to vibrating and ringing from all over. Now there have been catastrophic event at three corners of the Pacific Plate- on in the northwest, on Friday; on in the southwest, last month; one in the southeast, last year. That leaves just one corner unaffected, the northeast."

The San Andreas fault...

1 comment:

guttersnipe said...

damn man, im seriously scared. you still want to get a place in SF?