Tuesday, December 15, 2009

illegal to be gay in uganda

there is a bill before the ugandan government that proposes to make homosexuality illegal. anyone who is caught or said to participate in homosexual activities would face life imprisonment and/or execution. but alleged homosexuals won't be the only targets. family members/friends/community members who fail to report homosexual activity would face several years in jail. even landlords could be imprisoned for renting to homosexuals. as if thats not enough, part of the bill decrees that all people diagnosed with AIDS/HIV+ would be put to death. all signs point to the bill being passed.
who's to blame for this disgusting and out-rightly prejudice law? obviously the bias, homophobic, people in the government (spefically david bahati--ugandan politician/the guy responsible for the law) . but there's another group of hate-mongers hiding behind the wings of this whole thing:
american-evangelical-christians. pastor rick (dick) warren (that jerk who spoke at obama's inauguration) says he has no connection to the bill, but he wont go so far as to condemn the legislation.
anti-homosexuality is a problem that exists all over africa (see: the 'corrective' raping of lesbians in south africa; sexual preference surveys in kenya, where homosexuality in illegal). but that doesn't excuse them from letting some hate-filled, small-minded american christians from influencing their laws. the government denies heavy christian influence by saying it is the expression of the people's disgust and hatred of these 'repugnant practices'.
it is unbelievable that in the 21st century archaic laws such as this are even thought of, considered, and let alone expected to pass. luckily the world's gay rights activists, gay rights groups, and human rights watch groups have put a real squeeze on the government of uganda, though it doesn't seem like its going to do much.

read all about it here:
the week
human rights watch

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